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John Ploog - June 21, 2020
Fathers who know the Lord make Him Known
From Series: "With Christ in the School of Prayer"
Based on Andrew Murray's book by the same name
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CloseMy dad died in 2011. These past few weeks, I’ve been reflecting on a picture of him and my uncle (a former Minneapolis officer), taken with me in dad’s driveway. I’ve been reliving that day in 2005 with fond memories. What thoughts come to your mind of life-lessons you’ve learned from your dad? In what ways is that shaping the investments you are making in the lives of your children and the countless other lives God has placed on your path? How is your relationship with God impacting them? The Scriptures remind us, every generation is to proclaim to the next, the wonders of His mighty acts. So, how are we doing? Remember, fathers who know the Lord make Him known.
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Based on Andrew Murray's book by the same name