About Kids Ministry
Sundays at 10:30am
Our mission at Calvary El Calvario is to come alongside parents to launch kids on a lifelong journey with Jesus that impacts the world. That's just what happens in Children's Church. We utilize a variety of instructional styles to teach children the Bible, how to worship, and the importance of daily prayer.
Domingos a las 10:30 am.
Nuestra misión en Calvary El Calvario es acompañar a los padres para lanzar a los niños en un viaje de por vida con Jesús que impacte al mundo. Eso es exactamente lo que sucede en la Iglesia de los Niños. Utilizamos una variedad de estilos de instrucción para enseñar a los niños la Biblia, cómo adorar y la importancia de la oración diaria.

Newborn to Pre-K
Your child will be loved and cared for while you attend the worship service. Parents can feel safe leaving their little ones in our care during the service knowing we have clean and age-appropriate toys and activities. Each week the older children will be introduced to Christian music, stories, and activities that will build a permanent foundation for their biblical future. Nursery care is provided for the 10 a.m. Worship Service.
Su hijo será amado y cuidado mientras usted asiste al servicio de adoración. Los padres pueden sentirse seguros al dejar a sus pequeños a nuestro cuidado durante el servicio sabiendo que contamos con juguetes y actividades limpios y apropiados para su edad. Cada semana, los niños mayores conocerán música, historias y actividades cristianas que construirán una base permanente para su futuro bíblico. Se proporciona cuidado de guardería durante el servicio de adoración de las 10 a. m.
Kindergarten through 6th Grade
Every Sunday, children have the chance to learn more about God, His Son, Jesus, and His Word, the Bible, during Sunday School. Each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m., children meet for Sunday School. Bring your children and watch the growth in their knowledge of the Bible.
K - 6th grade children begin their Sunday worship time in the worship center with their parents. Here they participate in multi-generational worship, prayer, giving, and hear what’s happening this week at Calvary. Just before the Pastor shares from God's Word, one of our volunteer workers will give a preview of what the children will be learning and we'll escort the children to their own classroom. At the end of this special children's worship time, we'll deliver them back to the patio area to be reunited with their parents at the conclusion of the service time.