John Ploog - August 18, 2019
The Preeminence
From Series: "Colossians"
Join Calvary in the study of the letter of Paul to the church of Colossae
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CloseThe preeminence –those words are emblazoned in my memory. They reminded me, Sunday after Sunday, morning and evening during my formative years. They are captured on the wall behind us in our wedding photographs reminding us the supremacy of Christ over all that we are and for whom we live. They turned my attention to Jesus, the One “by whom and for whom all things were created.” Today, we continue to focus on Him “who is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead...” “...that in all things He might have the preeminence.”
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Join Calvary in the study of the letter of Paul to the church of Colossae
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The Preeminence | John Ploog | August 18, 2019 | Watch | Listen | |
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A message from the series “Colossians.” What’s your starting point when it comes to Christ-honoring dynamics in the home and family unit? Do you start with written agreements, rules, or do you just go with the flow? It’s likely that our initial instruction in family life started with our families of origin…for better or for worse. How does your relationship with Christ affect your relationships within family? Our previous messages from Colossians 3:1-17 called for Colossians those who have “taken off our old self with its practices and have taken on the new self, renewed in the knowledge of our Creator…to live in perfect unity”(vs.9, 10, 14). It really comes down to this: Christ-followers find joy and peace in Spirit-filled submission.“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21)
What’s your starting point when it comes to Christ-honoring dynamics in the home and family unit? Do you start with written agreements, rules, or do you just go with the flow? It’s likely that our initial instruction in family life started with our families of origin…for better or for worse. How does your relationship with Christ affect your relationships within family? Our previous messages from Colossians 3:1-17 called for Colossians those who have “taken off our old self with its practices and have taken on the new self, renewed in the knowledge of our Creator…to live in perfect unity”(vs.9, 10, 14). It really comes down to this: Christ-followers find joy and peace in Spirit-filled submission.“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21)
Notes: Click here
A message from the series “Colossians.” What’s your starting point when it comes to Christ-honoring dynamics in the home and family unit? Do you start with written agreements, rules, or do you just go with the flow? It’s likely that our initial instruction in family life started with our families of origin…for better or for worse. How does your relationship with Christ affect your relationships within family? Our previous messages from Colossians 3:1-17 called for Colossians those who have “taken off our old self with its practices and have taken on the new self, renewed in the knowledge of our Creator…to live in perfect unity”(vs.9, 10, 14). It really comes down to this: Christ-followers find joy and peace in Spirit-filled submission.“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21)
What’s your starting point when it comes to Christ-honoring dynamics in the home and family unit? Do you start with written agreements, rules, or do you just go with the flow? It’s likely that our initial instruction in family life started with our families of origin…for better or for worse. How does your relationship with Christ affect your relationships within family? Our previous messages from Colossians 3:1-17 called for Colossians those who have “taken off our old self with its practices and have taken on the new self, renewed in the knowledge of our Creator…to live in perfect unity”(vs.9, 10, 14). It really comes down to this: Christ-followers find joy and peace in Spirit-filled submission.“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21)