Message: “Planting the Seed” from Pastor Robert Sowell

Pastor Robert Sowell - November 24, 2024

Planting the Seed

Planting the Seed

Cultivating gratitude in the garden of your life requires both divine intervention and deliberate attention. God will do His part. Will you do yours? The weeds of discontent and dissatisfaction that compete with gratitude for space in your life and the emotional and spiritual resources you need for gratitude to thrive need to be pulled up by their roots of self-centered expectations. And the soil of your life, which is your soul, needs to be prepared to produce and sustain gratitude. God removes toxic sin from and infuses life into dead souls through our faith in Christ. And our Lord nourishes living souls as we continually feed on His words for spiritual nutrients. Living souls are prepared for us to plant the seeds of gratitude.

From Series: "Cultivating Gratitude in the Garden of Your Life"

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