Message: “Making the Most of Time” from Pastor Robert Sowell
A message from the series “Pastor Sowell.” The Time our Lord gives us is an incalculably precious resource.
A message from the series “Pastor Sowell.” The Time our Lord gives us is an incalculably precious resource.
A message from the series “Pastor Sowell.” The Church of Lord Jesus, the Messiah, is the Assembly of the Called-Out. According to 1 Peter 2:9, we are called “out of darkness into His marvelous light”. That means we need to “lay aside the deeds of darkness” (Romans 13:12). Faithfulness to this call requires that we know what deeds of darkness are and what they are not. And we need to know what we are to do instead.
A message from the series “The Church.” In this passage, Lord Jesus reveals what His Ekklēsia Church is and why it is our assigned Mission.
A message from the series “The Church.” When Lord Jesus announced , ” I will build My Ekklēsia Church”, He was heralding the launch of His movement. There have been many social movements in human history. But the movement of Lord Jesus was and is singularly unique.
A message from the series “Pastor Sowell.”
A message from the series “The Church.” The Church Lord Jesus is building is the Assembly called out, summoned, to be a Community of the Transformed for Active Service as His Messianic Force
A message from the series “The Church.” Whether Church still matters depends on what is meant by “church”. When Lord Jesus said, “I will build My Church”, the word He used was Ekklēsia
A message from the series “Guest Speakers.” Going over the aftermath of David’s conflict with his now deceased son, Absalom.
A message from the series “Pastor John.” The apostle Paul was prepared for his departure and wrote careful instructions to young Pastor Timothy.
A message from the series “Pastor John.” Like the human body, each of us has a task or specialty. What are the gifts that God has given you?
We are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church in Whittier with both English and Spanish Services
Somos una iglesia multiétnica y multigeneracional en Whittier con servicios en inglés y español.
562-698-8058 |