Message: “Focus on Priority” from Pastor Robert Sowell

A message from the series “A Life Well Lived.” The measure of a life well-lived is the fruit it produces. We get a fruitful, well-lived life by choice, not chance. We can be sure
we’re making the right choices when we use the Resources for
Choosing Well that have been provided for us. We live a fruitful, well-lived life by accepting and taking responsibility for our capacity to choose which is our Response Ability and by focusing on the Purpose of bearing fruit as our Priority.

Message: “Accept Responsibility for Your Response Ability” from Pastor Robert Sowell

A message from the series “A Life Well Lived.” The measure of a life well-lived is the fruit it produces. We get a
fruitful, well-lived life by choice, not chance. We can be sure
we’re making the right choices when we use the Resources for
Choosing Well that have been provided for us. So, then, how do
we live a fruitful, well-lived life? By accepting responsibility for
our capacity to choose which is our Response Ability.