Message: “Praying For Gratitude” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” We try sometimes to get our young ones to, “Say thank you” but it can feel like we are pulling teeth. Why is that? Are they unaware that someone just did something nice on their behalf? Were they unhappy with what they received? Did they think they deserved better? Was it unabashed pride or stubborn defiance of the reminder that they ought to be thankful? I wonder, what does God see is my reaction to His amazing gifts and goodness?We pray for each other to the end that God will be glorified in…

Message: “Rest Assured in His Identity” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” The identity of Jesus has been a highly debated matter over the centuries. It has given rise to serious schisms. Heresies have arisen over His identity. How comfortable are you in the notion that ordinary people in our times are caught up in such heresies?Jesus made it very clear that He wants a vibrant relationship with us. That requires a growing understanding of His person,His values, and His will. The letter of Paul to the church in Colossae was written to clarify and personalize God’s intentions to know Him in Christ. So we continue our deliberate study of this little epistle about the supremacy of Christ. Enjoy!

Message: “Pop Quiz” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” When was the last time you took a pop quiz? How did you do? Well, we are going to take a pop quiz this morning…along with the original followers of Christ, and all who have followed in His footsteps.

Message: “The Preeminence” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” The preeminence –those words are emblazoned in my memory. They reminded me, Sunday after Sunday, morning and evening during my formative years. They are captured on the wall behind us in our wedding photographs reminding us the supremacy of Christ over all that we are and for whom we live. They turned my attention to Jesus, the One “by whom and for whom all things were created.” Today, we continue to focus on Him “who is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead…”

“…that in all things He might have the preeminence.”

Message: “The Wonder of a Reconciled Life” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” Think back to a relationship you’ve had with someone that was painful and needed serious attention? What were you doing that added fuel to the fire? What did you try to do to restore the relationship? What worked and what didn’t work? What does it take for two people to be reconciled to each other? God is in the business of reconciliation. It pleases Him to initiate our reconciliation to Him in the person of His Son,whom He loves,and in whom all His fullness dwells. Paul weaves a very tight rationale for that reconciliation and its place in a life that pleases Him in every way. We have been taking Colossians 1 apart, piece by piece, to help us grasp and apply its depth, and that relationship that He so wants for us to have with Him.Consider today the wonder of a reconciled life

Message: “Don’t Be Fooled” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” We’ve all heard it said, “Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!” Yet, for all the times we’ve been warned, the constant barrage of attacks directed at us via multiple media platforms, makes everyone so very vulnerable. In like manner, a strong offense is critical to make sure that God’s people are always ready for the assault of the enemy Satan, to deceive every follower of Christ. The apostle Paul knew he was in the thick of the battle. He agonized for people he had not even met. And he sent them and us an important warning, “Don’t be fooled!”

Message: “Living the Life” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” It doesn’t take much to imagine the delight of God the day you came into this world. All the more, I’m certain of His pleasure the day you turned to Him and trusted Him as your Lord and Savior. Moved with that understanding, the apostle Paul urges us to take care of ourselves as God’s precious possession. Do you remember all those times when someone said to you, “take care of yourself”?

Message: “The Complete You” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” Paul warned the church about being “taken captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy…human tradition,” right, rituals….He wanted them to find and rest in their true identity in Christ.

Message: “Guard Your Treasure In Christ” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” Regardless of the accusations of the enemy (Satan), we rest in the reality of being found in the One who settled all accusations against us. Today let’s continue to focus on the all sufficiency of Christ and our identity in Him. Countless voices tell us how we can improve on what He’s done to create liberating intimacy with the Godhead. Guard your treasure; it’s not what we do but who we are in Christ.

Message: “Your Mindset Matters” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Colossians.” Colossians began with a prayer to be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding (1:9). Understanding His will leads us to what it means to be complete in Christ. While we are complete in Him, we can’t rest on our laurels. We need to keep seeking Him. That mindset matters.