Message: “Celebrate God-fearing moms!” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” We are celebrating excellent moms today who fear the Lord. Our family has been blessed with moms who hit that mark of excellence. Our ministry has also been blessed with moms who nurtured, protected, and instructed their families in the fear of the Lord. So, today we will focus on God’s plan for our families. What exactly is a God-fearing mom and why are her children to rise up and call her blessed?

Message: “What do you expect?” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” Okay, I must admit, I enjoy the tag-line or slogan from an anti-motivational poster company, – “Increasing your chance of success by lowering your expectations.” How do your expectations shape the way things turn out for you? When it comes to prayer, what do you expect? Are you likely to experience a true transaction of your soul with the God who bends down to listen to you (Psalm 116:1-2, NLB)? What does He want you to know as you present your prayer concerns to Him? Jesus offers wonderful assurance to those who seek His face in prayer.

Message: “When God Desires Clarity in Prayer” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” Jesus was so intentional in everything he said and did. As he was walking through the beautiful city of Jericho, disciples in tow, on his way to Jerusalem, blind Bartimaeus recognized him. He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” Let’s pick up our next lesson there With Christ in the School of Prayer.

Message: “God’s Eyes on the Harvest” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” What do you think Jesus is seeing in the eyes of the people who are in your inner circle? How does he see people in your community: the people behind the masks and other personal protective barriers? How does he want us to act toward them in the here and now? How are you praying for them? Why did Jesus lay out a strategy for our prayers regarding those he sees as ready for the gospel?

Message: “Unstoppable Joy” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” I hope and pray that you and your loved ones are well in every sense of the word. We come to this Palm Sunday without the children walking the center isle and waving palm branches while proclaiming…

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Blessed is the King of Israel.”

While we are so thankful for the countless people who are working tirelessly to do battle with this disease, we are reminded that Jesus is the promised, present, and victorious King. Welcome to our time of worship, apart but together, as the body of Christ. We are also reminded that His Church is meeting in a similar way, all over the world today. To God be the Glory in Christ and in His Church.

Message: “Intercede Shamelessly” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” It all started with a sincere question, “One day, Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’” Over the past few weeks, we have enrolled ourselves in his school of prayer. Luke 11:1-13 is filled with his amazing response to their request; he gave them prayer principles in a model prayer (vs. 2-4); he urged them to ask, seek and knock, reminding them that their Father in heaven will give them the ultimate answer to prayer, the Holy Spirit, who will lead them in prayer. We continue to circle around his immediate response to their quest as today he tells us to intercede shamelessly

Message: “Just Ask” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” What do you do when you feel you need to ask someone for something, but you are afraid it’s not going to go your way? Asking anything can be full of risks. What do you do if your request is mocked, rejected, spurned, or ignored? Do you remember going back and forth between your parents trying to work them independently, and then they discovered your devious scheme? On a far more unsettling level, what’s the risk factor for you when you ask God for something in prayer? Didn’t Jesus urge His disciples to just ask?