Message: “Who Knows What?” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” What do you know about your limitations of knowledge? How does that make you feel, especially when someone else points that out to you? How do you feel when you don’t understand what’s happening? These questions might be striking a nerve in you. Many who are supposed to know are struggling. What do we do about: the COVID-19 crisis; social unrest; threats of anarchy; and ubiquitous political power pursuits? How can we move forward when there is so much we don’t know? As followers of Christ, we move forward when we experience joy in fearing the One who knows. God alone navigates time and eternity perfectly.

Message: “Captivated by Holiness” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” Complete the following statement: When I was growing up, I always wanted to be just like … because …. How did those thoughts affect the things you did in those early years, and as you matured? Who do you admire these days? What are you doing today in hopes of becoming the person you would like to be?

Those who fear God are captivated by His holiness. The scriptures tell us that God wants us to be holy as He is holy. So, our pursuit of personal holiness is deepened by a growing awareness of His holiness (Jerry Bridges, The Joy of Fearing God).

Message: “The Great Power of the Lord” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” We traverse our world of great power every day. We hold it in our cell phones and consult it in the super computers of “the cloud.” The power of COVID-19 has overwhelmed economies and politics, in a rampage that grips and devastates populations worldwide. But, it also has harnessed the creative ingenuity of scientists and entrepreneurs. From weapons of war to the wisdom of diplomacy; from the demands of the rule of law to the influence of godly parents bringing up their children to know and follow the way of the Lord, we face off with great power every day. So, God wants us to consider all powers and the fears of life, comparing them to His great power. Eyes that see the great power of God, believe in Him.

Message: “Replace Your Fear with Joy” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” It could be said that, in 2020, this is “the summer of fear.” Between the pandemic and all the unrest, I’m wondering if our masks can offer proper protection from everything that might harm us. On the other hand, I’m so very thankful for all those who are on the front lines to serve, protect, and defend us all. I never like scary movies of any kind. I don’t like to be frightened, fearful, or worried. It is understandable and quite normal to be concerned. In and of itself, fear is not wrong. It is about how we handle it. The scriptures have so much to say on the subject. So, let’s consider God’s counsel to Isaiah, His chosen prophet. Replace your fear with *the joy of fearing God

Message: “Fathers who know the Lord make Him Known” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” My dad died in 2011. These past few weeks, I’ve been reflecting on a picture of him and my uncle (a former Minneapolis officer), taken with me in dad’s driveway. I’ve been reliving that day in 2005 with fond memories. What thoughts come to your mind of life-lessons you’ve learned from your dad? In what ways is that shaping the investments you are making in the lives of your children and the countless other lives God has placed on your path? How is your relationship with God impacting them? The Scriptures remind us, every generation is to proclaim to the next, the wonders of His mighty acts. So, how are we doing? Remember, fathers who know the Lord make Him known.

Message: “Patient and Speedy Justice” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of England through the awful years of Nazi terror. After the amazing evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk, he inspired the House of Commons and all England on June 4, 1940, with these words: “Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” If that man and his country where so courageous and resolved, surely, we fight on, on our knees, confident in the promised, patient, and speedy justice for God’s chosen ones.

Message: “Getting Together” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” Somewhere along the line, we have all heard it said, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” Correct? Maybe what we really meant was, “If you want it done your way….” because in the moment of our frustration, what we really want is our way. So, what does this have to do with Christ’s school of prayer? Well, it just may be that we all could profit by praying with two or three of God’s people in order to discover the will of God as we pray. What have you come to know about discovering God’s will through prayer in the company of friends?

Message: “When you pray – Forgive!” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” What do your relationships have to do with answered prayer? Well, think about this: we often sing the words of Psalm 24:3-4, “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, and has not sworn deceitfully” (NASB). Jesus was very clear when he taught his disciples about the impact of our relationships on the matter of answered prayer: “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anybody, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive your sins” (Mark 11:25). If we all want our prayers to be heard, we best consider seriously our disposition, our tone, and our spirit when we pray.

Message: “Why couldn’t we have done more?” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” Opportunities come and go. I wish I could recapture more than a few. I wish I would have learned speed reading (I buy or pick up more books than I actually get around to reading). I also wish I had taken a course or two in a few different languages, like Spanish. That would have been so helpful as I pray with our brothers from El Calvario on Saturday mornings. Then there were opportunities to help more people to understand and use their spiritual gifts and plug into very practical ministries. If I were in my 30’s again I would like to think I would teach other dads to lead classes on being the dad God intended them to be, rather than just teach the class myself.
Yes, opportunities come and go. Why didn’t I do more? Jesus was kind and very clear when his fully devoted followers had a similar question on their minds after a clearly blown opportunity.

Message: “God-fearing Mothers and Others” from John Ploog

A message from the series “With Christ in the School of Prayer.” I’m looking forward to no longer being afraid of the “terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day” (Psalm 91:5), nor my neighbor, or the person walking toward me not wearing a mask as we take our early morning walks. Fear is a frightening phenomenon. But it is much more. God wants us to fear Him for our own good (Psalms 34:9). It is a matter of perspective. It is foundational to an intimate relationship with God, managing and sizing up all other fears. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10). It is the marching orders for all God’s people (Deut. 10:12; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). Let us refresh a bit of our Mother’s Day experience today for all those who lost me last week when our internet access pulled a fast one on us.