Message: “We Believe In…” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Church and Our church.” Last week we described some important matters of unity for the local church. They included core elements of oneness such as doctrine, friendship, and philosophy of ministry. Jesus said he would be known by our oneness. His strategy includes the apologetic of the herd whose gaze is fixed on Jesus. Bringing two or more cultures together in one ministry is exciting but also requires commitment, and a lot of work because, our oneness depends upon the authority of God’s revealed Word.

Message: “The Church and our church” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Church and Our church.” For the next few Sundays we will be talking about church membership. We are doing this as part of our morning worship services in harmony with our sister Spanish speaking congregation. As our two churches move toward oneness as a local church we are inviting members of El Calvario to become official members of Calvary Baptist Church.

Message: “The Metrics of Thought” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” What goes through your mind when someone mentions things like election polls, racial unrest, protests, public disturbances, shortages, rationing, critical race theory, closures, $ markets, inflation, recession, depression…? Now, go to a beautiful place in your thoughts: family vacations, music that sooths or lifts your spirit, scripture that reminds you of the character and lovingkindness of God. How would you describe the metrics or rhythms of your thought life? Over the past few weeks, we’ve focused on how we think. Paul’s letter to the Philippian church has challenged me to examine my own thought patterns and invite you to do the same. The admonition found in Philippians 4:8 is clear, “…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.” So, let’s do that.

Message: “Biblical Dark Ages” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” Judges is a depressing catalogue of unfaithfulness to God on the part of Israel. We can get enough of violence, intrigue, false religion, and immorality on the news of our day. Why would we want to study Israel’s unfaithfulness? It was philosopher George Santayana that stated, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

The book of Judges deals with the history of Israel from the death of Joshua to the beginning of the monarchy with the accession of Saul. Many call this 350 year period the Dark Ages of the Bible. But, we are not traveling to another planet when we look at the Book of Judges; we are simply looking in a mirror.

Message: “Whatever is Admirable” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” Who do you admire and what’s behind your thoughts about such people? What did Paul have in mind when, inspired by the Holy Spirit, he instructs Christ followers, regardless of the circumstances to think about whatever is admirable.

Message: “Whatever is Lovely” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” How was this past week for you? What did you see that inspired you? Beautiful art does that for some of us. Music, it is said can tame the savage soul. What kind of music did that for you over the past few days? What do you listen to that soothes you when you feel like your nerves are rattled? When was the last time you were refreshed by some of your old snapshots or you scrolled through photos on your phone…just because? We all need to take care of our thought lives. That is why we are reminded to…meditate on whatever is lovely.

Message: “Whatever is Pure” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” Our taste buds give it away. This doesn’t taste the way I remember it. What’s different? Somebody watered it down, or added something that doesn’t agree with me. I liked it the way it was meant to be. I like it unmixed, unmodified, no variations on a theme.

We like things plain and simple…just the way God intended them to be; 100% pure. Problems start with motivations. Mixed motives and selfish ambition enter the picture and the good is altered, watered down or twisted as we try to straighten things out on our own. So Paul urges us to focus on life and God as He intended for us. Think in terms of what is authentic. Meditate on whatever is pure.

Message: “Meditate on these things” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” Remember when someone caught you daydreaming and said, “a penny for your thoughts”? Well, what have you been thinking lately? Wisdom warns us, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. ‘Eat and drink’ he says to you, but his heart is not with you” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV). We are what we think, more that we think we are. Have you been taking charge of your thoughts (2 Cor. 10:3-5) in the presence of the One who “…searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts,” (1 Chron. 28:9)? He is eager to help us understand His will for our everyday lives. So, let’s talk about those thoughts, our meditations. We are going to meditate on whatever anyway. Paul urges us to “meditate on whatever is true…noble…just.” Our meditations will impact the outcomes of our lives. Amen?

Message: “Round up your thoughts” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” We toss and turn on our beds. What should I do? What shall I say? What if what I do makes things worse? Maybe I’ll just write a letter. Or should I call when I know no one will be there to pick up, and then I’ll just leave a voice mail. That’s it; a voicemail…. Ringing, ringing, “Hello.” Now what? Oh no! Just hang up…now! Oh no, they have caller ID. Now it must be face-to-face. But, what will they think? I wish I could just fly away.

Sure, it’s happened to me. When have you wrestled with just the right way to deal with a difficult situation? What do you do when your solution could have used some fine-tuning? “A person’s thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out” (Prov. 20:5, TEV). So, where do we get such insight?

The Apostle Paul faced “thin-ice relationships” on many occasions. His divinely inspired solution: round up your thoughts…in God’s presence. (2 Corinthians 10:1-5)

Message: “Obey me and I will be your God” from John Ploog

A message from the series “The Fear of the Lord.” Bumper stickers reveal a lot about individuals and cultures. How about this one from a few years ago, “Resist Authority”? Sadly, today’s version has become “Defund the police.” Authority can be a touchy subject these days, whether the discussion is about government, civil society, family, church, or the workplace. Our response to authority shapes relationships and dramatically impacts them in many ways.

Fundamental to our relationship to God as those who “fear the Lord…walk in all His ways…serve Him, and love Him” is a commitment to live all of life under God’s authority (Deuteronomy 10:12-13). God is perfectly clear on the subject, “Obey me and I will be your God.” (Jeremiah 7:22-23)