Message: “How is your timing?” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Wisdom.” I’ll never forget my first hospital visit as a youth pastor, dutifully filling in for the lead pastor when he was on vacation. I felt like a fish out of water as I rode the elevator to my new responsibility. What do you think your place is when a friend is suffering? Our study today should help us all consider God’s calling as we come alongside of our friends. Let’s make sure to respect God’s timing.

Message: “Stepping out on thin ice” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Wisdom.” Thin ice is a serious matter that can swallow up many who chose not to take heed.

People who talk likewise need to be careful of stepping out onto thin ice with their words. The scriptures remind us to be careful with our words. The book of Job reminds us of the power of words to support us or tempt us to venture out onto thin ice.

Message: “Still Standing” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Wisdom.” Our building codes insist on current understandings of structural integrity. I noticed this when I helped a friend build his new home in N. Carolina a few years ago. Things had changed in the industry since I worked with another friend building a number of homes. In those intervening years, hurricane bracing had become standard practice to create structural integrity that could withstand great winds.

So, how’s your moral and spiritual integrity? What makes you think you are prepared for the inevitable winds of adversity? When the storms of life come, and they will come, will you still be standing? What are the elements of your strength and integrity? By all means, keep a firm grip on your integrity!

Message: “WHY?” from John Ploog

A message from the series “WHY?.” Why LORD? Why me? Why do good people suffer? Why do some people have such a difficult journey through life? Can anyone out there tell me why? Will someone please answer me?

Why do we all ask why? What are we hoping to discover? Well, the truth is, we’re looking for answers. We are trying to make sense out of life. We are trying to connect the dots. If our best efforts fail we want to know why. When things go poorly for someone who seems to deserve it, we sarcastically muse, “I wonder why?”

Why should we talk about suffering? What might we hope to discover by considering the life and times of ancient Job? How will this study help us in our pursuit of wisdom?

Message: “Conformed to Idols” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Wisdom.” People resemble the idols they worship. The danger of imitating the world around us is becoming indistinguishable from the world. Paul exhorts us “not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2). As God’s Children we have been declared holy through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. However, it is possible for us to allow our fire to be reduced to just a few embers if we idolize the false gods of world.

Message: “Rekindling the Gift of God” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Wisdom.” In 2 Timothy 1:6-7 Paul is urging followers of Christ to persevere in strength and faithfulness. We are reminded that “God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and a sound-mind.” We are to “guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you,” to “be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.” We must “pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace,” and avoid being caught up in “foolish and ignorant speculations.” These verses are only achievable if we have rekindled the “flame, the gift of God.”

Message: “Let the Wise Listen” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Wisdom.” What is good listening to you? Personally, I’m partial to the piano, acoustic guitar, and cello. I’m sorry, what was the question? Listening: it’s an important subject if we are going to acquire the wisdom God desires for us. Where does listening rank in your skills for getting wisdom? Excuse me, are you listening?

When Solomon asked for wisdom for his responsibilities as the young King of Israel, God was pleased. But how did he acquire that wisdom. When you ask God for wisdom, what happens next? How does God “deliver” on our requests for wisdom and understanding?

Message: “Get Wisdom” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Wisdom.” Looking back, 2020 challenged us to look up, reflect, listen, reach out, ask for help, count our blessings, and give thanks. What did God teach you as you navigated various degrees of isolation? What truths came to life as you meditated on His word? While we’re not out of the woods yet, let’s move forward asking God to give us wisdom for the days ahead. Are you desperate for wisdom? God’s word tells us to acquire wisdom. “Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom. Though it cost you all you have, get understanding.” So, let’s go for it in 2021.