Message: “Mom, we hear you!” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Holiday Messages.” From the beginning God created women to fulfill a special role in His world. Many of God’s characteristics are seen more clearly in motherhood. Matthew records Jesus’ words addressing Jerusalem “How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings…” Elsewhere, God cares for his people like an eagle hovering over her young and with anger like a mother bear robbed of her cubs . Isaiah likens God’s memory and comfort for His people to a nursing mother.

“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Genesis 1:27

Message: “Living by Faith” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” “I hate rules!” I still feel the sting as my children turned on me when I uttered those words in a restaurant in the Andes Mountains of Colombia. I was pontificating on the curse of legalism, unaware that they were listening. They struck quickly, reciting my edicts, indicting me at a moment of sudden vulnerability. Yes, in our common humanity most of us bristle against “laws” that stifle our intended exercise of freedom. So, what impact has legalism had on your walk with God? How do you know where you stand with God from day to day? As you think about your relationship with the Almighty today, ponder this important Biblical truth: the just shall live by faith.

Message: “Message Received” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” Why do you believe what you believe? History is replete with the accounts of people who put such trust in Christ that they staked their whole lives on it. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatia churches because false teachers were threatening their confidence in Christ with a counterfeit gospel. So, we focus this Sunday on the reliability of the gospel. We need to make sure we know why we believe so that we take action on the message received.

Message: “Good News & Bad News” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” Here’s your assignment: recall one of your favorite good news – bad news jokes… without researching it on Google during this message. I for one enjoy this kind of humor, but I will have to wait for your submittals for my next good laugh or “hmm… something to think about” moment. How do you talk about the gospel? How do you talk about it even when you are talking to someone who may not even know him? What makes the gospel of Christ such unmistakably good news? Why are you convinced that it really is good news, meant for everyone? How do you recognize the good news against the schemes of a counterfeit gospel salvation?

God wants to be confident in the gospel of our Savior.

Message: “It Just Matters Who You Know” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Palm to Easter 2021.” We all have a lot of power at our disposal. Think about it: we hold in our hands the power to call forth drinkable water, the power to propel our own 2000 lb. chariots in countless directions whenever we wish, and the power to talk to other powerful people anywhere in the world, whenever. Amazing! I mean, you’re pretty powerful, aren’t you? But don’t get too excited about all that freedom to do whatever you want. To do that you need to know certain people. And so it goes, it matters who you know!

Now, if you are going to navigate time and eternity, you need to know the One with the ultimate power and authority.

Message: “What do you say to this unstoppable God?” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Wisdom.” So, we hear it often said that science is not settled. What we thought we knew at the beginning of COVID-19 appears to be somewhat different one year later. Assumptions have wisely been challenged and changed. In the field of environmental science, those in the know, who bend the arch of public policy, have been challenged and at least forced to change some of their rhetoric. Absent the public debate, has been much evidence that the experts have checked in with the Creator. As we come to the conclusion of our short study of Job, we discover in God’s response to Job, a message for all who wrestle with what is. Everyone needs to embrace the reality that God’s purposes are unstoppable.

Message: “Focus on what you know to be true” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Wisdom.” What does it take for someone to get under your skin? How do you handle apparent contradictions to the love of God in the face of suffering? What do you do when you struggle with what some call injustice in God’s dealing with people?