Message: “Freedom Lovers” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” Freedom is compelling, isn’t it? It’s suspicious that while people from all over the world take drastic measures to come to the land of the free and the home of the brave, some Americans, for political power, publically call America evil. For all of us who are blessed with freedom, the question is always, what am I doing with my freedom?

The apostle Paul says a lot about our freedom in Christ. Use your freedom to serve one another in love. What are you doing with that freedom?

Message: “Actively Waiting” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” How do you do when it comes to actively waiting on the Lord? The apostle Paul lays down a challenge to self-made righteousness when he says, “But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.” (Gal. 5:5, NIV)

Message: “Set Free” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” There are always those who work hard to rob us of our freedom. As we study Galatians Paul urges us to, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free.” My question for us all today: what are you doing to stand fast in Christ’s liberating freedom?

Message: “Straight Talk about Fathers” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Holiday Messages.” I’ve heard it said that we are in the midst of a battle for the soul of America. Of greater consequence I believe, is a persistent world-wide war against God’s design for families. Families are the bedrock of cultures around the world, and across time. As the family goes, so goes the moment and the future. Every day we are pressured to think about our homes and family structures as the cause of all sorts of systemic problems. The pressure surges in the media, legislative proposals, regulatory agencies, court rooms, the military, universities, schools, corporations, businesses, clubs, and even churches. So, what are we to think? How are we to speak? And what can we do to cultivate great families?

Message: “Time to Kill” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” When are you likely to feel like you are wasting time? We all know, we never get those moments back. One of my favorite ministry cartoons captures someone popping into a pastor’s office with the greeting, “I just had some time to kill.” Needless to say, the look on the pastor’s face didn’t share his visitor’s excitement. I’m sure you too have experienced your share of unexpected and spontaneous “opportunities.”

We are going to talk about time today. Time is precious. We will all spend this gift from God. Make sure you spend yours knowing and being known by God.

Message: “God’s Perfected Family” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” I’d like to say I grew up in a perfect family, and I’d like to hear my children say they did too…and mean it. In what ways could your family have done better? The Bible uses so many wonderful metaphors to help us understand the relationship He wants to have with us. He often chose marriage and the family to help us get the picture of what He’s up to. He even uses family matters to clarify difficult doctrinal things, like the relationship between the law and grace. After all, “a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law” (2:16, NLT). So, what place does God’s law have in our lives? Let’s consider how God’s perfected family, can help us grasp how it all works together.

Message: “Pay attention to God’s precise plans” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” How closely do you pay attention to God’s Word, His will, and His ways? What do you do when you realize that you really have not been tracking with Him? What is your authority when it comes to subjects like abortion, gender selection, race, religion, war, peace, civil disobedience, tolerance, and all matters of choice? How do you go about understanding God’s will and His perspective on the issues we face simply by being participants in life in this country? Today we will be studying some specific words and truths so, pay close attention to God’s precise plans for those who would live by faith.

Message: “Remember the Way” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” Over the past week, I’ve been reminded how important it is for us to remember the Way. Jesus told our friend, doubting Thomas, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:5-6, NIV). It would not be long before the earliest followers of Christ were referred to as followers of the Way (Acts 9:2). How is remembering Jesus, shaping your confidence in Him when you pray and look for direction as to what to do next?

Message: “The Origin and Problem of Evil” from Dean Ortner

A message from the series “Missionary Speakers.” Have you ever heard this: “How can you be a Christian and believe in a God when in our universe is the presence of evil, babies that die, 9/11, riots and terrorism tragedies? How can a good God who could or would permit evil, yet could destroy it, but He allows it? Why would He create a universe where men could reject Him and end up in a lake of fire for all eternity? “That is a cosmic Nazi.” I heard one guy say. Charles Baudelair, the French atheist, in looking at the universe with its evil said, If there is a God, He is my Devil. If the universe is as the universe was and shall be, I don’t want any part of this God.