Message: “What troubles you?” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” What’s troubling you these days? What are some of the things that disturb your peace? So often it’s the things we can’t change or control, isn’t it? So why do we bother getting all worked up about it? Who was it that said, “What, me worry?” Well, I guess we all worry at times. So, it’s a wonderful thing that those who know Jesus have the Holy Spirit living in us to produce the fruit of the Spirit. The manifestation of the Spirit that we will focus on today is peace. As we walk in the Spirit we experience peace. How has that been a reality in your life?

Message: “Sweet Success” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” How have you been processing our nation’s departure from Afghanistan? What has all this done to your thoughts about our military, leadership, the enemy, and Afghanistan? How are we to understand success in this long war against terrorism, and all those who hate the freedom we’ve known for more than 200 years? What does walking in the Spirit have to do with how God’s people handle all this pain and confusion? What do you think God wants us to do right now about it, if in fact the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace…?

Message: “Bear Fruit that Last” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” What do you think is a good investment? Eighteen months ago we were investing in toilet paper. Today, after massive government spending, followed by crazy inflation, we are advised to buy gold. What are you betting on these days? We all have desires, hopes, dreams, and ambitions. We put our time and our money on good buys, the kind of things they say will last. How are you investing your resources, including the one to two billion seconds God will likely give you, to make a difference? Oh, we will spend them, for sure. How are you investing your very life in the things that will matter for all eternity? Why do you think we should care about things like this? Well, God cares about our investments. Jesus took our lives seriously, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last,” (Jn.15:16). Therefore, as we abide in the Vine we bear fruit that lasts.

Message: “Spiritual War” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Galatians.” John’s gospel records Jesus’ teaching during His last days on earth in greater detail than the other gospel writers. Today we will look at the external forces of darkness and the internal forces, our old sin nature. We will discover that His peace excels when tribulation is abundant and that obeying the Holy Spirit is the key to living a life that pleases God.

Message: “The Flesh Versus the Spirit” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” Everyone battles with the flesh. Everyone! Consider the 2020 Olympics in progress as we speak. Even the winners want to improve on their performances. And then there are those of us who watch what they seem to have perfected and we get inspired. When I went to the gym this morning I was amused to see more people than usual, doubtless inspired to achieve their own Olympian ambitions. Yes, we wrestle in the flesh, yet it is of greater consequence than merely the battle of the bulge. So God reminds us to walk; “Walk in the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh,” Galatians 5:16. I hope you weren’t tempted to conclude that this would be easy. Walking in the Spirit is not a stroll in the park. Let’s give further consideration to what it means to be led by the Spirit.

Message: “Claiming Victory” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Galatians.” Paul describes life in terms of running a race (1 Cor. 9:24-27). So, when can we expect victory as followers of Christ? Yes, we count on coming out on top in eternity. But, how can we experience victory over our nagging sin nature in the here and now? Consider the words of Paul, “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” (Galatians 5:16)