Message: “Under New Ownership” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Lawsuits within the church were yet another bit of evidence that God’s people were at odds with each other. They were getting chippy; maybe it was over differences in things like what was being taught, or the music, or the way potlucks were handled with the Lord’s Supper. Those disputes spilled over into their business dealings with each other, and before long, they found themselves standing before judges in civil courts.

Message: “We’ve Been Warned” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” When we read our Bibles carefully, we realize that God warns His people of a great many threats on the road ahead. Our study today is a fresh reminder, “We’ve been warned” (1 Corinthians 4:14). Praise God!

Message: “It matters whom we serve” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Pride rears its ugly head in countless institutions and relationships. You do something for someone and when those you serve neglect to thank you it kind of irks you. Am I right? Oh, you didn’t do it for drum rolls and applause. But, hmmm, you sometimes take notice and ask yourself…? Or you find yourself in a small gathering of family or friends, and someone expresses strong opposition to something you hold dear, and you are made to feel like an outsider, and it hurts…your pride. Walls between teammates begin, growing one brick at a time.

This sort of thing happens at times in churches, between Christians who should be on the same team. Aren’t we supposed to be serving the Lord side-by-side? Yes, but our pride often overrides a pure heart over some issue. Instead, we serve our self-interests. We must be reminded, “It matters whom we serve.”

Message: “Be Very Careful” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Our study of 1 Corinthians is reminding us that that the local church is God’s idea. Our local church is His. As we work at being His church we need to be very careful with this assignment. So, how’s it going?

Message: “The Secret Sauce” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Is it the cheese or the sauce for you when it comes to your favorite pizza? The owner of an independent pizza parlor told me about the secret sauce for his very popular creations. He proudly said it’s his great, great grandmother’s 100 year old recipe from her kitchen in Italy. He’s an older gentleman and the last in a long line to know and use it. Unless something changes, it looks like it’s going to die with him. The “secret sauce” is what makes something successful or distinctive. So, what is the secret sauce that gives people a taste for God? Who has the recipe? And what does it have to do with family dynamics in the local church? Let’s see what God wants to reveal to us about how it happens.

Message: “Perfectly United” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” How are we as a local church responding to God’s appeal in 1 Cor. 1:10, “that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought”?

Message: “A Welcome Reset” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Along the way we may be surprised by God’s response and the things He wants to bring to our attention. I’ve had to reset our numerous devices from time to time and it’s generally led to a relief after crying out to myself, “what’s going on here?” So, let’s ask God to lead us in a welcome reset for the local church, our local church. Let’s pay close attention to another local church that needed to do the same.

Message: “Knowing Jesus Chirst and Him Crucified” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Paul, the brilliant apostle, identified “The Unknown God” to other scholars, philosophers, and orators, in Athens on Mars Hill. And only a few people turned to Christ. We have reason to think he left Athens feeling deflated. So, when he left Athens for Corinth, he began his ministry there with fear and trembling, “determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

Message: “Opportunity Knocks” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” How do you recognize opportunities to talk with people about the Lord? Where do you start a conversation? How do you know what to say? Who among us does God use to encourage people to seek Him?