Message: “Glad You Asked” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Paul wrote this letter that in principle is a guide as to how Christians in every generation should act in front of each other. You may be filled with knowledge, but it is love that builds up the church.

Your question: should we eat food already offered to idols?

Message: “Taming the Tongue” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” James has been called a practical manual for Christian living in the context of exile, persecution, and temptation. Do we need such a manual today?
Being exiled from one’s home is a reality in war-torn countries but not yet in our country. Persecution on the basis of biblical beliefs is rare but does seem to be increasing. One may choose to hold their tongue when certain subjects come up.
James addressed the scattered Jewish Christians who were convinced that their Roman oppressors should be removed by force if necessary. His answer to them was to follow the example and teaching of Jesus.

Message: “Intimacy 101” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” How do you run from something that’s everywhere? I mean, where do you go to get away from it? You have to have opinions about the subject, and maybe a few questions as well. Parents all over the country have had enough from schools and schoolboards that tell them it’s none of their business. You would think that after thousands of years, we would understand all the issues related to love and marriage, men and women, the power of lust, infidelity, and what we say about it all to impressionable children. Ok, I’ll say it. We’re talking about SEX. It’s actually a critically important, spiritual subject. And we have to talk about it. God holds us all responsible for what we think and what we do about it. So, let’s just get started.

Message: “Easter Worship” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Why do you think Paul wrote so many paragraphs in his already long letter to the church at Corinth? Why should they believe him? He wasn’t one of the original witnesses of the resurrected Jesus, was he? And why do we keep resurrecting resurrection Sundays every year? What does all this have to do with us? From what God’s people have discovered in these paragraphs of God’s Holy Word, the resurrection is fundamental/foundational to our faith.

Message: “The Triumphal Entry” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Palm to Easter.” What do you remember about that week? His mind was made up. He was focused on Jerusalem and wanted to go there before Passover. An entourage had been growing around Him, and then something strange and kind of majestic happened. He appeared, mounted on a young donkey, kind of like a king, who was returning from a great military victory. But He never led a military, did He? A grand parade grew in numbers as He wound down the Mt. of Olives, across the Kidron Valley, and up into Jerusalem. The crowd began to praise God shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD. Hosanna in the Highest.” Over and over again they sang out, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!”

Message: “When you come together” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” On this Communion Sunday we will be looking at what many believe to be the first written record of what Jesus said to His disciples at the table on the night He was betrayed. It appears that Paul taught this to the young church at Corinth, but they had been making a mockery of it when they came together. Let’s ask God to open our hearts and minds today to how He continues to refine our local chapter of His church. Consider these things so that we might always show respect for the body of Christ.