Message: “The Common Good” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” President John F. Kennedy challenged America in his Presidential Inaugural Address, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Since those days we’ve become a nation of demanders, demonstrators, and takers.

Message: “God’s Amazing Design for our Church” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” What do you appreciate about our church? What are our assets? What are our liabilities? What about our potential; what will it take for us to tap that potential? The early church in Corinth was grousing about a lot of things. So we continue to ask God to help us understand what He’s up to among us.

Message: “Glorify God” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Hebrews 11 is referred to as the hall of fame of those who believed God. Their faith was evidenced by what they did regardless of the risk of suffering and death. It is followed by explicit encouragement to follow their examples; “run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” as we “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith….” (Hebrews 12:1-3). But, the scriptures are also full of examples, warning us, “don’t go there.” Our study today of 1 Corinthians 10 reminds us of how we are to order our lives as followers of Christ. His challenge is clear, “whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (10:31).

Message: “Love & Works” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” The Ten Commandments can be thought of as love verbalized and the Royal Law is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Therefore, as His children we should live and act as one saved by God’s grace knowing that we will be judged based on Christ’s imputed righteousness.

Most all of mankind places a premium on wisdom, defined as factual knowledge effectively applied to everyday life. Because fallen mankind is dead in sin and blind to God’s law and His grace, they are left with using worldly wisdom to work their way into the hereafter.

Message: “Suffering & Wealth” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” The one who perseveres under trial is the one who never relinquishes their confident trust in God. We must recognize that trials are an essential means God uses to perfect Christian character. Prayer is the most powerful method to overcome the pain of suffering.

Message: “Genuine & Fake Faith” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” Counterfeiting is a world-wide problem. Money, credit cards, works of art, and almost everything of value is passed off as genuine with the intent to deceive. This is also true of the most valuable commodity of all—a right relationship to the living, holy God with the promise of Heaven, which is incomparably priceless.

God’s Word continually calls for professed salvation to be tested for validity. Those who think they have it should carefully examine and test it to determine its validity. The results of being deceived by a counterfeit faith are an eternal tragedy.

Message: “To Save Some” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” What do you do to display or share your favorite things? What does the expression, “the Lord is my salvation” (Isaiah 12:2) mean to you? What value do you place on your salvation in Christ alone and how do you know it is worth that much to you? Ask yourself, what would I give or give up, to help someone be saved? Ask yourself, what am I doing to exercise self-control so that others might turn to Christ and be saved?
Dear friends, I’m putting these questions on the front and back of these notes to get your attention and emphasize the importance of thoughtful dialogue with yourself and others. May we all see the importance of helping people come to Jesus and be saved.