Message: “Love & Works” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” The Ten Commandments can be thought of as love verbalized and the Royal Law is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Therefore, as His children we should live and act as one saved by God’s grace knowing that we will be judged based on Christ’s imputed righteousness.

Most all of mankind places a premium on wisdom, defined as factual knowledge effectively applied to everyday life. Because fallen mankind is dead in sin and blind to God’s law and His grace, they are left with using worldly wisdom to work their way into the hereafter.

Message: “Suffering & Wealth” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” The one who perseveres under trial is the one who never relinquishes their confident trust in God. We must recognize that trials are an essential means God uses to perfect Christian character. Prayer is the most powerful method to overcome the pain of suffering.

Message: “Genuine & Fake Faith” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” Counterfeiting is a world-wide problem. Money, credit cards, works of art, and almost everything of value is passed off as genuine with the intent to deceive. This is also true of the most valuable commodity of all—a right relationship to the living, holy God with the promise of Heaven, which is incomparably priceless.

God’s Word continually calls for professed salvation to be tested for validity. Those who think they have it should carefully examine and test it to determine its validity. The results of being deceived by a counterfeit faith are an eternal tragedy.

Message: “To Save Some” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” What do you do to display or share your favorite things? What does the expression, “the Lord is my salvation” (Isaiah 12:2) mean to you? What value do you place on your salvation in Christ alone and how do you know it is worth that much to you? Ask yourself, what would I give or give up, to help someone be saved? Ask yourself, what am I doing to exercise self-control so that others might turn to Christ and be saved?
Dear friends, I’m putting these questions on the front and back of these notes to get your attention and emphasize the importance of thoughtful dialogue with yourself and others. May we all see the importance of helping people come to Jesus and be saved.

Message: “Glad You Asked” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” Paul wrote this letter that in principle is a guide as to how Christians in every generation should act in front of each other. You may be filled with knowledge, but it is love that builds up the church.

Your question: should we eat food already offered to idols?

Message: “Taming the Tongue” from Dennis Mohler

A message from the series “Pastor Dennis.” James has been called a practical manual for Christian living in the context of exile, persecution, and temptation. Do we need such a manual today?
Being exiled from one’s home is a reality in war-torn countries but not yet in our country. Persecution on the basis of biblical beliefs is rare but does seem to be increasing. One may choose to hold their tongue when certain subjects come up.
James addressed the scattered Jewish Christians who were convinced that their Roman oppressors should be removed by force if necessary. His answer to them was to follow the example and teaching of Jesus.

Message: “Intimacy 101” from John Ploog

A message from the series “Pastor John.” How do you run from something that’s everywhere? I mean, where do you go to get away from it? You have to have opinions about the subject, and maybe a few questions as well. Parents all over the country have had enough from schools and schoolboards that tell them it’s none of their business. You would think that after thousands of years, we would understand all the issues related to love and marriage, men and women, the power of lust, infidelity, and what we say about it all to impressionable children. Ok, I’ll say it. We’re talking about SEX. It’s actually a critically important, spiritual subject. And we have to talk about it. God holds us all responsible for what we think and what we do about it. So, let’s just get started.