John Ploog - June 23, 2019
Fully Mature in Christ

From Series: "Colossians"
Join Calvary in the study of the letter of Paul to the church of Colossae
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CloseI haven’t decided what I’m going to be when I grow up. I know many of us use that line in hopes someone will agree with our attempt to create a more youthful persona. Hmm! At my age, who’s going to believe that? So,when can we say we’ve grown up? And, what does it take to be fully mature in Christ?
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Join Calvary in the study of the letter of Paul to the church of Colossae
Fully Mature in Christ | John Ploog | June 23, 2019 | Watch | Listen | |
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Living the Life | John Ploog | September 22, 2019 | Watch | Listen | |
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