Message: “Glory and Love Amidst Eternity” from Ruben Reed

Ruben Reed - January 9, 2022

Glory and Love Amidst Eternity

So what do you do in your times of stress or grief? Do we think about how we can solve it? Pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and just work it out? Do we rely on others, family members, friends, or just keep it hidden inside? After all, we wouldn’t want others to know we don’t have it all together. What about God? Is he a last resort or a first resort? Someone who’s there only when I can’t do it myself?

From Series: "Amidst Hatred"

It seems like the world is getting ever crazier as the days go by…. How is the average disciple supposed to be obedient and have joy in a world that utterly hates them?

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